German Girl in America Logo


If you’re looking for a great German-American look no further than Karen Lodder. She gave an inspirational talk at the Air Force Memorial for the 75th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. Her website has a superb story of the “Candy Bomber” plus German traditions, apparel and recipes. You’ll visit it for the food recipes and stay for the heritage, especially for Christmas. She writes about German history and travel, and her favorite posts look closer at celebrating the holidays.


Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation logo.

Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation

Tim Chopp, President and Founder reports the C-54D “Spirit of Freedom” is flying well and has been attending airshows. He estimates that 1,700 persons visit the flying museum inside the aircraft at every airshow. Plans are being made for a hurricane Helene relief flight to hard hit Asheville NC. Some funds were generated at the Burtonwood Association and Berlin Airlift Veterans Assoc. in the Las Vegas reunion earlier this month but more are needed to cover inflated costs of fuel, oil, and related flight expenses. The annual flight at Kitty Hawk NC with Santa Clause will be on December 15th then the flyover of the Kitty Hawk Monument on the 17th.

The Candy Bomber Foundation Logo

The Candy Bomber Foundation

The Gail S. Halvorsen Aviation Education Foundation has a new name: The Candy Bomber Foundation. Community research found that more people could identify the Berlin Candy Bomber when presented with a list of choices. Although the name has changed, the mission of the Foundation remains the same: To Empower the Next Generation of Candy Bombers. We remain committed to inspiring young people everywhere based on Gail’s observation that “Children hold the future of the world in their hands- our children and everyone’s children.”

Gail S Halverson Foundation Logo.

Berlin Airlift Veterans Association

Ten members of the BAVA joined the reunion of the Burtonwood Association earlier this month in Las Vegas. After a brief presentation about the possible relief flight of the C-54 by the historical foundation the combined members attending contributed money toward the cost of this symbolic mission. Bibi Leblanc, publisher, writer and BAVA member made a touching talk about growing up in Berlin surrounded with the infamous wall. No plans were set for a reunion next year. Contact via;

Logo for Luftbrücke -Frankfurt-Berlin 1948-1949 e.V.

Luftbrucke Frankfurt-Berlin Association

This very active group in Frankfurt Germany has recently participated in dedicating a Berlin Airlift display at the Wiesbaden Army Base Postal Service Center plus the dedication of a new on base dining facility named after the airlift. They also participated in the dedication of a new monument in the heart of Wiesbaden where the former American Arms Hotel was located. They reported that no progress has been made with Frankfort International Airport for reopening the Berlin Airlift Monument with the C-54 and C-47. Access to this monument area by the volunteer group has been denied for over a year.


317TH Veterans Group Logo

317th Veterans Group

This organization held a 3 day reunion at Fayetteville NC in early September. Part of their reunion was a visit to the superb Airborne and Special Forces Museum in the city. The next day they went to Pope Field to tour the C-130J that flew in from the 39th Airlift Squadron, Dyess AFB, Abilene TX. The visitors also toured the static air park where they recalled fond memories of their time at Pope Air Force Base.

Burtonwood Association Logo

,Burtonwood Association

With Founder and President Aldon Ferguson from London attending the U.S. contingent held its’ last reunion earlier this month in Las Vegas. They were joined by members of the Berlin Airlift Veterans Association. Aldon reviewed the history of this once large RAF base. It was the largest U.S. Army Air Force Base in Europe during the war, with over 17,000 American troops stationed there preparing almost every American aircraft going to Europe for the fight against the Axis. During the Berlin Airlift over 1500 C-54’s went to Burtonwood for the important 200 hour inspection. In England the association will continue with the Burtonwood Heritage Center at a location on the former base site. Eddie Ide, BARA Founder, presented an appreciation plaque to Aldon for all his work with the Burtonwood Association and remembering the Berlin Airlift.


Berlin Brats Alumni Association Logo.

Berlin Brats Alumni Association

BBAS is holding their 3rd Reunion in BERLIN December 2-5, 2024. A tailored tour of Tempelhof is being offered in addition to a visit to our former high school. This is a “Christkindl Markt” Reunion. In addition to the some 22 Markts in BERLIN an optional 6-day bus trip to famous Markts outside Berlin is being offered to include Nuremberg, Leipzig and Dresden! All classes of the high school are invited along w/parents & guests. Our school was open from 1946-1994. Visit our website at for ALL the Info.

Allied Museum in Berlin Logo

Allied Museum in Berlin

As they continue plans for the move to Templehof they have now installed 2 audio stations and 1 video station at the Allied Museum – under the Hastings Plane. Installations will be done at the end of this month. All audio and video stations will include Airlift Material. Startseite – AlliiertenMuseum


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